No, this is not a dream. Really, this is a new chapter. Hahaha. Yes, this chapter is late, but I don't feel like I have to apologize for it because of all the crises in my life right now. I would, however, like to thank all the kind commenters who have been supportive of me even when the chapter was late in coming. I really appreciate it a lot. Anyway, here is the chapter. Please enjoy it! Man, I actually started feeling bad for Feidna this chapter :\
I'm so glad. I've been away from this blog for so long, and I have missed it. I will try picking it up now in time for the next chapter of "The One"!
Anyway, all my grades almost look A-okay (lol, geddit?), except ONE 89.03, darn you physics. One would think that if a person is good at math, she should also be good at physics, right? Nope. Well, I'll see what I got on my final test ^-^
How is everyone else's life going?
Hmm, let me see if I have any new news going on: - finished a couple deadlines for stuff--summer applications, novel competition, homework obviously - I'm auditioning for a musical! "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee." I'm gunning for Marcy Park, the only part I'm ever likely to get in a play ahhaha. I'll attach one of her songs.
Isn't it awesome? Anyway, the musical is really adorable and cute, and it would be so awesome to get in. If not, I'll do tech like I always do :) Not a big deal. Boo, well I hope my throat gets better by Monday haha. - IB ENGLISH ORALS ARE COMING UP for those of you who understand the suffering of IB haha. I always sound so awkward when I speak. I'll work on that ;) - I'm reading this really good book, it's called 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. I'd highly recommend it if you're interested in literary works! On a related note, Silver the manga finished like last month, so if you want to read it, I would also recommend that ^-^ - I get my paycheck tomorrow--yeeeeee! I can buy more food haha. Also, makeup. There are so many nice pretty things coming out in spring.. (look up MAC shop, shop shop, cook cook, cook collection). @____@ Anyway, totally unrelated and rambly at this point hehe. I'll sign off now!
I want to know what's new with everybody! Comment down below!