Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012 Everybody!

Okay, I have a really important question. Please vote for it in the poll ------>
It is truly one of the most vital questions we must face in the coming year. :D Anyway, I just thought I'd come on here and wish everybody a Happy New Year and post a little tidbit about my own thoughts on 2012.

First of all, I am a little as;dlkfja;lsdjfk because my birthday is in exactly a week hehehe. It's not because I'll get presents or a party or anything, but it's the sheer thought that I am growing. It's kind of strange, but whatever :)

I feel like I have so many things to look forward to this year, and in the future, so I will definitely work harder to achieve my goals. Some of goals currently include:

1. Get VB Rose vol. 12 done!
2. Keep on track for Paradise City/The One
(non manhua-related)
3. Do more work and do some independent learning
4. Read more nonfiction!
5. Lose some weight =____= (all those Christmas cookies.....) But then again, I say this every year hahahhaha.
6. Finish summer program apps!
7. Get good scores on all my tests =____=
8. Finish college apps
9. Finish personal projects

Aiya! So much work for 366 days this year. What are some of your goals? Are you guys looking forward to the future?

ALSO, I would be remiss in discussing 2012 without discussing the end of the world, yes? Truthfully, I don't believe in it. In any case, I would be pretty sad if I put all that work into college apps only to have the world end before I get to go >___> I mean, it's mostly just a silly superstition, and I don't believe that the apocalypse is approaching. However, rumors of a pending world destruction will remind me to constantly try to live my life out to the fullest.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this year. I have a feeling it will be a good one for me! Let me know what you guys did to celebrate New Year's and what you're looking forward to this year!


  1. Honestly speaking the prediction that the Mayan's calender had in terms of this "end of the world" everyone raged on about is actually signifying the end of an era, not the world. I thought it was pretty sad everyone was making up all those crazy rumors.

    Sorry, just wanted to point that out. :)

    Happy 2012 and good luck with in all of your endeavors! :)

  2. Just the other day, I was complaining to one of my coworkers about how the world simply can't end in December of 2012, it needs to wait until at least the end of Spring 2013 because it would just suck TOO MUCH for the world to end one semester before I finally get my BA. It's a good thing I don't believe in the end of the world, although, I do believe in the "end of the world as we know it" after all, that's already happened once in my lifetime (9/11 anyone?).

    My New Year's celebration was pretty lame: I had actually dragged myself out of bed New Years Eve and went on a hike, then ran all over the island. Got home a little after 7:30 and was asleep by 11:00 despite all the rockets and car alarms going off in my neighborhood.

    My goals for 2012 are even worse: Get through it and perform well. But I really like your goals (especially #1). Good luck with everything!

  3. Do you also have birthday at 10th January?

    I've spent my New Year's Eve with my best friend at home watching movies ^^ For me, it's a perfect way ;)

  4. Ah, xLilim, I certainly think the end of an era is quite possible. And @IMBI, I definitely like the idea of the "end of the world as we know it." However, I do think that the end of the Mayan calendar is kind of an arbitrary sort of thing.

    Yes Bas! Do we have the same birthday??? :3 That sounds like a perfect and relaxing to spend NYE :) I'm glad you had fun!

  5. Also lol. Thank you xLilim for your kind words. I do hope the world doesn't end so that you can get your hard-earned degree!

    Wait, IMBE, what sort of general geographic region do you live in? (i.e. what ocean is your island in?) That actually sounds super intense. I'm actually a really not fit person, and running is like the hardest thing I could do XD Good for you though!

  6. No end of the world. No one knows when will the world end only God does. :) That is my belief, just wanted to share. Thanks for all your hardwork Kat for 2011. God Bless you always and I hope you will have an awesome year again.

  7. Hello everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR Kat . the Mayan calender is all out of whack, I think some screwed up old peoples tried to power play and made a ridiculous prediction.This year I hope to achieve is doing a very challenging puzzle..

  8. LOL I bet there is some totally insignificant reason why the Mayan calender ends in 2012...
    They ran out of room on the stone XD

    I spent my New Years Eve in NJ partying with friends at a huge gathering in someones house.(dont remember whos...)

    Kat I <3 goal #5 LOL I say to myself to lose weight every year and after i tell myself that i'm pretty sure I gain more weight :3


  9. Happy New year Kat and thanks for your hard work the last year
    and hoping you have a great year this year too ^ ^
    the new chapter of the one is been out
    here it`s ans i`ve cleaned it
    and good job in the translation ^ ^

  10. dear kat
    happy new year! please translate new chapter of the the one. i'm very the one and hope to read next chapter which you'll made.Have a good time


  12. Hi Kat just wanted to update that there's already a chapter 85 raw posted on 17kk.net :) Happy New Year cheerz!
