Project Status

This page will be updated as I work :)


The One
Working on it?: Yes / No
Current Chapter: 95
Status of next chapter: Working / Not Working
Planned date of release: Expect them around November 15th Idk bro, I'm trying to study for my interview to Cambridge and finish the rest of my applications and plan a trip. I'm working on it though!
Status of series: Complete / Incomplete
I need: your patience and understanding, raws when they come out
Additional Notes: I AM up to date with the Chinese version. Please be patient!
It seems that a new scanner has been found! Hopefully, she'll be able to keep up to a schedule!

Paradise City
Working on it?: Yes / No
Current Chapter: 9
Status of next chapter: Working / Not Working
7/31, going to be slow. so busy this month
Planned date of release:
Status of series: Complete / Incomplete
I need:
Additional Notes: I have all the raws, and they look like good quality, but a little small. Editing should go fast. There are 4 volumes, and I will divide them into about 6 chapters each!


