Thursday, September 8, 2011

[RAWS] The One Chp 81

Hey guys, I thought I'd share the raws of chapter 81 with you if you'd like to take a peek! Here they are. There's nothing in the read more expansion!


  1. Hi Kat just saw the raws and I am screaming my heat off here inside my dorm room haha!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I saw Eros hug Lele ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much. Can't wait for it to be translated but take your time :)

  2. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that should have been "head off" lol :) aH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. OMFG I cn't wait to see the translation.] Aaaaa Eros <3

  4. Wow! I can't wait to see Lele getting on top of the modelling world and getting Yin. Now, she should leave for Paris to make him a bit insecure:D Can't wait for the scanlation...

  5. OMG!!! I can't wait till the scans are out. I could sorta understand it, but some words were foggy to me. WHEN ARE THE SCANS COMING OUT?! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT THIS MANGA!!!

  6. OMG! Thanks for the raw Kat! So happy that Eros and Lele get more intimate moments in this chapter ♥ They look so good together >.<

  7. Thank you so much!!!!!! I'm so excited !!! I love The One!

  8. Thanks Kat!(:
    I wonder how Lele will react now that Eros told her about his mother...
