Friday, June 17, 2011

WHOA, did you know that...

my last post was my 100th post! Wow, totally did not expect to get so far, but thank you all for your continued readership and kind words. I really appreciate all the messages I get, and I do read them all, though I don't always reply. Anyway, I thought I'd post a personal update.

The last day of school was out yesterday! Whoohoo! How exciting. Now I get to do lots of fun things, not. I have summer homework and other stuff, but overall, it's not too bad. I'm really actually looking forward to this break, though I suspect it will pass all too quickly.

My finals went well--thank you all for asking. I hope everyone else in school did well on their finals and are now enjoying the beautiful summer break! Unless, of course, you live in the Southern hemisphere. In that case, keep warm this winter. Not sure how your school works though. Sorry. If you do live south of the equator, let me know how everything works :)

I'll definitely have a lot more time to work on manhua translations. I'm just going to waste a few days first lazing around. I went to the mall today with my mother to buy a gift for someone, so that was really fun. Wasting my hard-earned money. YEY! I don't feel too bad... mostly because I just got a paycheck so I feel entitled to spend some of it haha.

I will be going away for most of July; I'm going to math camp heehee! It's okay if some of you think that's lame. I'll still enjoy it. I will still try to keep up updates, but you may see some tardiness if I cannot get The One translated at camp. I will still try to prepare some chapters of VB Rose and Paradise City so that I can release them while I am away.

Anybody else have fun plans this summer/winter? Comment below!


  1. congratulations for your 100th post! And I hope you will enjoy your math camp ;-), a great idea I think!!!!
    I'm going to do constructive job, my house must be finish for september. My husband and I will be busy busy for the next two month :-)

  2. Wow, sounds great! I hope it goes well for you :)

  3. Hi Kat. This question has been bugging me for sometime but can you tell me what part of the world do you live? I just wanted to know lol you can tell me a general idea about where you live. Anyway, I'm glad that you are done with your semester. Summer break yeah!!! Enjoy the lazing out days hehe.

    I'm glad that you are spending your summer to advanced your academics. :)

    Keep up the good work! Take care.

  4. Enjoy your break while you can; they're all too fleeting and I haven't had a good summer break since I was in High School. This summer's agenda: move 6,000(ish) miles, transfer universities, find a job and earn as much money as possible.

  5. congrats on your 100 =)

    im happy for you that you are finally out of school.

    hope you enjoy math camp. i have a math camp where i am but it's really laid back since it's for middle schoolers (really basic stuff and high schoolers teach) i taught one year but sadly i couldn't go back this year since a lot of people applied ahead of me. =/ what is math camp like over where you are?

    i have summer homework too but right now being lazy about being productive. i have summer volunteering to do with my school clubs. i wish i had more to do. It's my last summer as a high school student since im an incoming senior (i'll pay for my nonproductive summer in the fall semester when i apply for colleges >< darn)

    hope you have a good summer and i hope that you can release chapters while you are at camp.

  6. Hi Anon! Do you need to know the exact longitude and latitude? Haha just kidding. I live near Seattle, WA, USA.

    Good luck with your summer, Anon2! It sounds like you have a busy summer ahead of you!

    Thank you, Tohukyo. Math camp is basically a group of people living on a college campus getting taught topics from professors. They're usually college-level topics that you can't get taught in high school. Don't worry about being lazy! Rest for a few days, then get to work! (I built random dinosaur models today haha). Good luck with the college application though!

  7. Congrats. And thanks a lot for your hard work. Wish you all the best :D

  8. Hello!
    Congratulations! Enjoy your vacations!
    I live in Brasil. Here summer vacations (christmas - first week of feruary) are the biggest for students. Winters vacations are just two weeks. Workersw has to bargain with their boss when vacations start(30 days). Moreover, we have too many holidays, some with 4 days.
    Sorry my awful english.
    Success for you!

  9. Hi Roberta! If only I could speak/write Portuguese, I could communicate with you. Unfortunately, I only know Spanish, which is rather different, though a little similar. Don't worry at all about your English! I can understand you perfectly.

    That sounds about the same as us--we have Christmas in winter, so winter break/Christmas break is two weeks here. It's a little bizarre for me to think that people on the other side of the world celebrate Christmas in hot weather! It's so typical of Christmas to be associated with snow over here!

    Thank you for that interesting tidbit of information!
