Sunday, March 6, 2011

V.B. Rose Chapter 42

Public release date is March 10th. Please do not post elsewhere until then. I am posting the download link because I think this series is less popular than "The One," but please keep in mind that you are NOT TO POST IT UNTIL MARCH 10th.

Download available here.


  1. Thanks tons for this chapter of V. B. Rose... as usual. =)

  2. I love the one but I really enjoy Vb too, so thank you for the chapter!

  3. Thank you so much for picking up the scanlation job for V.B Rose! It was so great seeing those new chapters appearing after so long. Hope you can keep up the great work, but even if you can't, a huge thank you anyway!

  4. Hello,I'm sailormoon268 on MangaFox.I was wondering if I could scan V.B.Rose because I have the books up to vol.11.I was just wondering because I have Spring Break right now...and I could probably scan it...Although I have no previous experience...please e-mail me.
