Monday, January 24, 2011

The One News

Hello all, let me know if I'm updating too frequently for you to read. But anyways, I do have news on The One. As I suspected, something was happening with the scanslator. Here is the news. Thank you to my anonymous Parisian commenter.

Basically, the post says that the scanner is unable to continue due to health reasons. She is, however, looking for a replacement, and it seems that there are people on there who are willing to work on it. We'll see. I'll keep checking back and get back to you later!

On a personal note, half my finals are done! My English grade is 90.63% lololol. But I have an essay that is still ungraded. :S Looking back, I'm not sure I did as well as I thought I did. Well anyways, I hope everyone else is doing well, especially if it is finals time for you.

See you soon!


  1. Oh thank you ! I am french my english isn't really good but i understand your texte :) thank you for The One and for all the work ^^! Sorry for my mistakes :D <3 xo xo!

  2. I really wish I could speak French! It is so pretty, but I have such a hard time with pronunciation, and sometimes remembering grammar. Like possessive pronouns, "mon/ma" because in Spanish, it's simply "mi" haha. Je veux parler francais, mais c'est difficile.

  3. Yes it is very hard -_-' for me too xD ! :)

  4. Alright , thanks for the news ....Your updating speed is great and thanks for all the hard work (I love The One XD ) I have been checking your blog for awhile and I left few comments but this it the first long one :)
    Greetings from Croatia :)

    Oh and I apologize if I made any grammar mistakes English is not my native language!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you so much for the time and dedication that you've put into The One. I am not trying to put the blame on you. I'm just simply being curious but why out of the millions of people in Taiwan and China, no one else can scan the mantua? This is really frustrating considering how EVERYONE has been waiting for the scans by that one person...

  7. Hej, I really like The One, too. Thank you a lot for your hard work and your fast updates! I am very happy that you are willing to spend so much of your freetime putting the manga in English for everyone.
    By the way I'm from Germany, but I'm not in your survey, since my computer wasn't working for a few month and I couldn't check your blog.
    And don't worry if you think German is difficult. I think so, too, and I am glad, I don't have to learn it as a foreign language ;-)

  8. What a pity! Let's hope she'll find a replacement soon. The next chpater is about to come very soon <33.
    I do really wish you good luck on your finals. I'm taking 1 course at university(vacation) and since the time is so short we only have 3 tests, but they're not as easy as the regular ones. I've already had one...but I did it really bad =(. So, now I need to study harder >---<.

  9. Just checking on news. Congratulations on your english grade; and i also love the frech language but that language doesn't love me. Same goes for german. At least i speak criolo (creole) lol, Bon tarbadjo pa bos i n'na pera nha manga (good work for you and i'll be waiting for my manga)

  10. chapter 73 is out

    Many many thanx for all the scanlations!!!!
