Saturday, October 6, 2012

V.B. Rose Chp 70

Hey everyone! Guess what! There's a new chapter. Enjoy it :) 

Friday, October 5, 2012

[RAWS] The One Chp 94 (and other updates)

Hey everyone! I just thought I'd give you an update on things! Here are the new raws. Aiya, I've been keeping busy lately. I have deadlines every two weeks from here to January ish! Pretty crazy, but so far I'm on top of things. I'm mostly set for my next immediate deadline. So I thought I'd update you guys here briefly. I might make a personal post if I remember. Also, I will have a new VB Rose chapter coming out in the next couple of days, so look out for that! I have sent chapters 92 and 93 for someone else to translate, and she is actually getting them typeset as well, so I will just leave it to her to post them. I will really make a big effort to do chapter 94 now that I am not technically behind. Thank you all for being so patient. <3<3 Happy reading! Tell me how your lives are going :)